Day 9 - Afternoon

It rains since 24 heures.  Since the beginning it rained - or was rainy weather - about half the time.  I’m not really uncomfortable, but it’s not the most comfortable either.  It’s a bit humid and cold, especially when the big wind rises, which happened quite often recently (but not very often blowing on the right direction for me, unfortunately).  I do not have closed shoes, only sandals (my boots were too big to bring and I simply don’t have any shoes in Europe), so it’s a bit colder.

There’s sometimes nice sunny moments, coming out of nowhere.  Just about an hour ago, I arrived unexpectedly at a cloister with a nice church, and as soon as I entered the compound the clouds cleared up for the first time of the day and I had nice and warm sun for the time I was there.
Many nice and beautiful landscapes as well, but nothing that can be kept with a camera.  The beauty is more related to the state of counsciousness of the viewer than so much the landscape itself.

I finished following the Main/Donau canal and I’m going towards the Donau river itself, cutting through hills to save a 50 km of river meanders.

People here (well, since 4-5 days, in fact) have a different German accent than the one I know.

1 Comment

  1. jules 1:23 AM

    Bonjour Benoît,
    Je viens de prendre les nouvelles sur ton périple. Ça semble pas évident par moments… Faut dire que le défi est un peu extrême, et en même temps “pourquoi pas”? Bientôt tu auras peut-être de guiboles d’acier et tu grimperas sans problème les cols les plus à pic! Je vais passer plus souvent pour suivre ce qui se passe sur ta page. Je suis avec toi de tout coeur, quoi que tu décides pour la suite!
    Paix, calme, vision claire!

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